Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, is renowned for its holistic approach to healing and well-being. Among its many therapeutic techniques, Njavarakizhi holds a prominent place. This rejuvenating treatment, rooted in Ayurvedic principles, has been practiced for centuries and continues to provide profound benefits for both the body and mind. Let us delve into the intricacies of Njavarakizhi and discover its therapeutic marvels.
The Essence of Njavarakizhi: Njavarakizhi, also known as “Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda,” involves a unique blend of specialized Ayurvedic preparations and techniques. The treatment primarily centers around the application of warm herbal poultices to the body, known as “Njavara,” which is a particular variety of rice known for its medicinal properties. These poultices are soaked in a concoction of herbal decoctions, milk, and other therapeutic ingredients to enhance their healing potential.
The Procedure: The Njavarakizhi treatment commences with the preparation of the warm herbal poultices. These poultices are gently massaged over the body by skilled therapists. The rhythmic movements, combined with the warmth of the poultices, promote deep relaxation and help the body absorb the potent herbal essences. The therapist follows specific patterns and strokes to stimulate the energy flow in the body, providing a rejuvenating and therapeutic experience.